DFC to join IFC’s Renewed 100M€ Investment in Sucden’s procurement and export operations in Ivory Coast

The United States International Development Finance Corporation has joined IFC in renewing their 100m syndicated term loan to Sucden. The unsecured loan is divided in two tranches split into (1) 80m EUR by IFC to be repaid in one year (renewable/re-committed annually) and (2) 20M USD to be repaid bullet in 4 years. Proceeds shall be used by Sucden SA and Sucden Côte d’Ivoire for the financing of the procurement of Traceable Cacao Beans during the 2024/2025 cacao season in Côte d’Ivoire for export.
The project will once again be supported by the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) and IDA20 Private Sector Window Blended Finance Facility (IDA-PSW BFF) as described in the Blended Finance Section.