Coffee Plants Near Manizales Colombia
Corporate Responsibility
Our Approach
We aim to be a global leader in connecting agricultural supply with demand for commodities in a sustainable way. Our vision of sustainable growth is based on five key areas, which address our impact and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Our action areas
The way we behave in all of our activities around the world is of fundamental importance. We will conduct our business with integrity, accountability and responsibility.
Our material issues
Direct impacts
- Business ethics
- Company culture
Impact on SDGs

How we interact with people defines us as a business. We commit to treat people in all walks of life with dignity and respect, wherever we operate. Equally, we promise to provide our employees with a safe place to work.
Our material issues
Direct impacts
- Health and safety
- Wellbeing at work
- Talent management
Impact on SDGs

Our main business is linked to soft-commodities production, so the way we treat the world around us will inevitably affect our future. Therefore, we are committed to constantly reducing our environmental impact and conserving natural resources.
Our material issues
Direct impacts
- Soil management
- Transport and logistics
- Utilities management for factories
Impact on SDGs

Our supply chain affects communities in the areas we source from. We are protecting forests in the coffee and cocoa supply chains through innovative tree planting programs. We are looking to better understand our overall carbon footprint in this critical part of our business.
Our material issues
Indirect impacts
- Livelihoods of growers and workers
- Responsible and sustainable supply
- Nature conservation and forest protection
- Understanding our carbon footprint
- Managing suppliers
- Chain of custody
- Implementing sustainability programs
Impact on SDGs

We aim to invest in the communities we interact with. We will make the most of our employees’ local knowledge and involvement and to effect positive change and identify innovative solutions.
Our material issues
Indirect impacts
- Engaging with local people
- Local social investment and support
Impact on SDGs

Step-by-step progress
Looking to maximize the positive impact that we can make, we have developed a four-step approach to identifying our key material issues and the direct and indirect impacts we have.
Step 1 – Risk assessment and compliance principles
Conducting a risk and opportunity assessment on matters that we identify as significant to our activities creates a clear framework for focusing our efforts.
Step 2 – Know our impacts and identify our material risks
Given our diverse activities, we face many challenges, so, analyzing the materiality of these issues is essential to establishing a responsible and efficient strategy.
Step 3 – Continuously work on our company culture and establish a sustainability mindset
We do this by setting an efficient governance framework that ensures responsibility and sustainability run throughout our business, and by communicating this both internally and externally.
Step 4 – Define how we will reach our objectives
As part of our license to operate, we implement measures to improve the sustainability of our operations.