Corporate Responsibility
Business Practices
The way we behave in all our activities around the world is fundamental to our success as a business. To be able to conduct our business ethically, with integrity, accountability and responsibility, we have developed comprehensive compliance and certification processes.
The challenges we face
We are committed to achieving and maintaining compliance with the increasing number of rules and regulations, whether those of France, the EU and US, or other countries and international organizations. These include French laws regarding corruption and, more generally, our basic obligations towards international sanctions, anti-money laundering and the fight against terrorism. This is especially important when trading in countries considered at risk.
The opportunities we see
Demand for sustainable and responsible commodities will grow in the coming years. We are well placed to support this demand, by monitoring developments in origins and supporting responsible local development. Through building ethical long-term supplier relationships, we see our views on responsibility and sustainability becoming the norm throughout the entire supply chain.
Ensuring we conduct business ethically and lawfully
We maintain a comprehensive Compliance Framework, monitored and updated regularly, to ensure we operate in line with regulations and our Code of Conduct. Among other things, it includes:
– a risk map of our main risks at Sucden
– details of our whistleblowing policy
– our Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Supplier (KYS) procedures
– policies relating to international sanctions, anti-money laundering and anti-bribery
– training on compliance issues for employees who may be exposed to corruption
– regular financial and compliance audits
– data-protection policies.
A culture of sustainability
We ask local management to promote all five pillars of our responsibility strategy locally. This helps us address issues for which everyone can play their part – for example in waste-reduction plans and similar office challenges to help reduce our environmental impact.
Certifying our practices and processes
We believe certification raises standards, encourages higher standards in third parties, and reflects that we follow the highest standards in our industry. We therefore certify our processes for trade-certified products. This demonstrates the reliability of our processes and traceability of our products and increases demand for the products. We also certify asset-based activities, such as demonstrating that our vessels and plants in Russia address environmental, health and safety, supply chain, and social practices.
Our code of conduct
Code of conduct – Download pdf(102 KB)
Our policies
Human rights policy – Download pdf(244 KB)